Now including the BRAND NEW FORMAT 👇
💜Would you like to break free from paying monthly for licenced fitness classes?
💜Would you like to teach a branded class BUT keep your fabulous fitness instructor teaching style & personality?
💜Do you get bored easily & would like variety to your fitness classes & class timetable?
💜Would you LOVE your class income opportunities to drastically out weigh your expenses....
💜 ...And have the opportunity to make an income WITHOUT teaching a class too?!
💜Would you love to purchase class content only when you need it, rather than paying monthly for choreography your not using?!
This Fitness Instructor Program is for you!
📢Calling all dance & group fitness instructors...
...who are running community fitness classes and/or freelance gym classes
— and who would love to a range of fitness class formats — without monthly payments and licence fees!
This is what The Groove-it Fit Program can do for you!
This Program works particularly well for those who are looking for class choreography and structure — saving you HOURS of trying to think up routines every week!
- although it will work for ANY group fitness instructor who also likes the freedom to mix and match classes and choreography, as well as incorporate their own routines into a branded format!
4 instructors trainings for just £249!!!
The classes included in this Fitness Instructor training bundle!
Each class can be taught as individual classes or merged together to create hybrid classes!
In the earlier stages of teaching fitness classes, you may have been...
- Creating all the content yourself & feeling overwhelmed by it?!
- Teaching a branded format that was costing you monthly?!
- You've felt like a carbon copy of other instructors when teaching the same fitness class brand?!
- Being turned down for cover classes because you didn’t teach a particular discipline?!
“Teaching group fitness” means different things to different people, but I’m defining it as when you can put your personality into the classes you teach...
- that is, after all, the reason people attend YOUR fitness classes -
...yet still have the structure and popularity of a branded concept!
So you can help participants get fit in a fun, motivating way to reach their full fitness potential.
When teaching group fitness classes, your personality positions you as an INCOMPARABLE FITPRO in your community/gym/industry.
Yet, in our attempts to keep up with ‘the next big thing’ in the fitness industry and to keep our participants happy, we can get lost in becoming a carbon copy of the latest fitness fad that everyone is teaching.
It takes a SPECIAL KIND of class format to captivate the attention of your regular and potential class participants … and still keep your personality and individuality so participants keep coming back for more & your continue to love what you do – and make an income from it!
As a fitness professional, and former studio- co-ordinator with 12+ years with all round experience in the fitness industry...
I’ve spent A LOT of time developing a program you can teach that appeals to the studio managers looking for fresh new classes to add to the gym timetable as well as classes that keep YOUR magnetic personality and teaching style!
The Groove-it Fit Program includes simple choreography and class formats that help you create MULTIPLE class combinations— while leaving room for your own authentic “style”.
4 instructors trainings for just £249!!!
Instructor testimonial
There are 4 class formats all accompanied by choreography that can be used in face-to-face sessions as well as online classes.
Each format can be taught as an individual class format or you can combine elements of all 4 concepts to create hybrid classes or simply add variety to your teaching and keep participants engaged and coming back for more!
You get immediate online access to the basic training as well as individualised training for each class format.
The Groove-it Fit program is for instructors already qualified and teaching
The basic training is there to refresh your memory of all the basics so you can dive right into creating your classes and launching them as soon as possible!
The Groove-it Fit Program covers:
✅ A refresher training of all the basics of teaching group fitness
✅ Creating your classes and hybrid classes so you can maximise ALL FOUR class formats!
✅ Converting choreography to licence free music for online classes
✅ Launching your first class in the community and/or approaching gyms & leisure centres
- Pricing & class launch offers
- On & offline marketing
- Creating an email list
- Par- Q template
- Templates for approaching gyms & studios
✅ Creating an online business and program
✅ Choreography and breakdowns of exercises for ALL FOUR FORMATS
4 instructors trainings for just £249!!!
Hi! I’m Charlotte Brawn,
Creator of Groove-it Fit with over 20 years experience as a dance and fitness professional!
I've been the fitness manager, studio co-ordinator, community fitness business, freelance instructor & masterclass presenter! My experience in the fitness industry led me to being hugely passionate about more income opportunity for fitness professionals.
Groove-it Fit was created after spending years paying out licence fees & teaching 20+ classes per week, I saw no way to make more income other then to teach more classes!
When I created Groove-it Fit I wanted instructors to be able to generate multiple streams of income regardless of whether they were teaching or not! So here it is! An instructor training where your income options outweigh your expenses & you can earn by teaching classes, or online or as an affiliate!

Sign up & Complete Online Training
You get access to your training online via our Instructor Hub immediately after signing up so you can dive in at a pace that suits you.

Practice Choreography & create a playlist
You have LOTS of routines to dive into & create your first playlist or select a done-for-you playlist to learn first.

Start Marketing & Promoting Your Classes
Dive into the marketing & resources section to start promoting & launching your first class.
🌟 4 new class formats that you can teach and add to your timetable.
🌟 Content to combine the class formats to create hybrid classes or enhance other classes you teach by adding in Groove-it Fit bonus sections!
🌟 6 playlists (approx.. 100 routines) for each of the 4 class formats included when you sign up to the Groove-it Fit Program.
🌟 Additional content can be purchased on a ‘Pay as you need it’ basis or joining Choreo monthly which is optional.
🌟 Lifetime instructor status – meaning you won’t have to re-train or commit to a licence fee to stay as an instructor but random quality assurance checks are administered yearly.
🌟 Marketing materials and resources so you can promote your session using the Groove-it Fit branding
🌟 Opportunity to become an affiliate and earn 40% commission when you refer instructor friends to the Program!
🌟 On going support from your Groove-it Fit Mentor Charlotte Brawn!
4 instructors trainings for just £249!!!
The Groove-it Fit program IS PERFECT FOR YOU IF …
- You’re ready to stop feeling restricted with teaching branded formats, yet still get the benefits of it!
- You're ready to stop paying out monthly for choreography you don’t use
- You're ready to start adding your personality back into your classes while still having structure and guidance with class content
- You're ready to have access to a variety of class formats so you, and your class participants, don’t get bored!)
- You're ready to make an income online and on demand!
- You're excited that you can actually earn an income when you refer your instructor friends too!
4 instructors trainings for just £249!!!
✔️ You dive right in, and you launch a class as soon as possible – even if that’s just testing it out on participants in a class you already teach to test the waters.
✔️ You appreciate the value of variety, and you like to play around with new choreography and adding a few of your own creations in!
✔️ You try it out on ‘real’ class participants and stamp your own personality on the content as you teach it!
💎 The Complete Groove-it Fit Program — Training, choreography and marketing materials and resources for Groove-it Fit, Fit & Flow, Fit On The Floor and (Groove-it) Fit Hiit.
💎 Online access to work through at your own pace — You don’t have to learn all four formats in one go. You may choose to learn and launch one and them move into the next one. OR you may want to do it ALL and launch a full timetable for Groove-it Fit class formats! Either way there’s no deadline and you can start immediately and go at your own pace!
💎 An Instructor Facebook group/community — our mentor goes live in the Facebook group most weeks with tips and advice and to answer questions and you can post in there anytime to ask questions or interact with other instructors!
💎Access to content the membership site or app – You can get choreography on the go by accessing all content and training via the app – great to go over routines just before class starts! Or you can access via desktop with the membership site too!
4 instructors trainings for just £249!!!
This is a respectable investment and the value you get access to exceeds the price you pay for The Groove-it Fit Program.
Each individual format is priced at £97 so you save £139 by going all in with the full Program.
👇🏻If this is for you click below👇🏻
4 instructors trainings for just £249!!!
Frequently Asked Questions
What pre-requisites do I need to teach Groove-it Fit?
- A minimum of a level 2 fitness qualification - ideally Exercise to Music or Dance Fitness - or your country's equivalent.
- Relevant insurance and music licences if you teach in the community or you are not covered by the gym where you teach.
I’m worried I won’t get the support I need with the training being online?
There is unlimited support when you become an instructor.
Firstly, you immediately get access to the instructor training hubs, there you get access to forum or the online support portal. You can also join the private instructor Facebook group for extra support and training.
We have a 30 day refund policy so if you think this isn’t for you or you’re not happy with the training you can get a full refund.
Your time is precious, between living life and being a fitness instructor, which is a huge reason behind the online training.
You are already a qualified, and an awesome, fitness instructor or dance teacher who can already teach safe and effective classes, training online means you can learn the class content at times that suit you – without having to cancel classes, travel miles, get childcare etc to attend a live training.
Is there a test or assessment?
No, Groove-it Fit is for qualified fitness instructors and dance teachers who would like to teach a new fitness concept.
Learning routines and teaching safe and effective classes is something qualified fitness instructors and dance teachers should be doing daily therefore we have full faith in every instructor to teach Groove-it Fit and deliver a class to the best of their ability.
For quality assurance purposes we do ask for instructors to send a video of themselves teaching a few routines once they have a class set up and running. We can then give feedback or provide further training if necessary.
Can you tell me more about how the online training works?
Yes - Here's a breakdown...
- Sign up
- Log in to the site or app & go through the 'Welcome to Groove-it Fit' basic training portal
- Mark lessons as complete when you've been through them
- Once the basic training is complete choose a class format you'd like to teach first - Groove-it Fit, Fit & Flow, Fit On The Floor or Fit Hiit - Go to that specific hub and go through the individualised training for that format.
- Once you have marked all as complete you will receive a certificate and you can start learning the routines and putting your class together.
- You can go through all the other class format training or simply launch one class format at a time.
- Once you're ready to launch a class you will find all the marketing materials you need, or templates to contact gyms, in the instructor hub and you're good to go!
- If you need new choreography simply purchase a new Choreo Edition OR sign up to Choreo Monthly!
- You may be contacted by the Groove-it Fit Admin team to submit a video of you teaching for quality assurance checks throughout the year, but this is nothing to be worried about.
Do you know how long it takes to go through the training?
The training is online so it can be done at your own pace and this tends to be different for everyone. But if you allocated a weekend for each format you'd get all the trainings done. Think of live weekend certifications you have done, the majority is covered over that weekend and then you can go away with routines to learn and classes to launch. This is exactly the same but just online and on demand, meaning you can take as long as you like in small pockets of time or allocate a whole weekend to get through it all.
Why are there no monthly licence fees?
Groove-it Fit was created with instructors’ financial needs in mind.
As instructors we pay out a lot – hall hire, music licences, insurance – as well as experiencing fluctuations in class attendance throughout the year. We wanted to create a dance fitness class where in income potential was greater than the outgoings.
An opportunity to teach great content but not be tied into a monthly outgoing that could affect your income. Instead, we created a class format that instructors can benefit from financially in several ways.
These include teaching the class formats, being able to set up and earn online and commission for when other instructors to get trained in Groove-it Fit via your recommendation.
This enables you to create a business solely using Groove-it Fit if you choose and/or make an income regardless of if your classes are running.
You have routines in the Instructors' Hub to get you started and create many class playlists. You will then have the option to buy each new choreography edition as and when you need new choreography.
This means you’re not paying out for new choreography if you don’t need it. But if you want to you can sign up for Choreo Monthly & get immediate access to choreography when its released. (optional)
Do I have to use your choreography & a set playlist?
You get access to a library of choreography that you can use to create a playlist from..
We are very passionate about keeping your personality and teaching style so it's important you love the music and the routines you are teaching, and you can add your own flavour to the choreography.
You can select the songs and routines that you love from the instructor hub, in alignment with the Groove-it fit class formula, rather than having to keep to a new release or set playlist.
You can choreograph your own warm up & cool down as well as 2 routines of your own creation in your playlist, if you choose. There is even a training on how to create your own routines!
The moves in the choreographed routines can be tweaked for your participants too, so you and your class participants can enjoy the routines and music to the fullest.
With fitness and dance nothing should ever feel restricted. We encourage song requests for new choreography to be made, feedback on what is and isn't working and the ability to stamp your own personality and style to the choreographed routines.
Do I need a music licence to teach Groove-it Fit?!
Yes and no…
Yes if you are using the original artist music choreography options, unless you are covered by a venue - e.g. teaching in gym. The music isn't provided by us, instructors will need to outsource and purchase music -choosing from the music used for Groove-it Fit routines.
No, licence free music options to our routines are available so you have the option if you're teaching online or just prefer to use licence free. Again music isn’t provided and will need to be purchased separately but we provide recommendations and discounts where applicable.
What is the age limit for class participants?
The age for a Groove-it Fit class formats is 16 years old and above unless you are qualified in children’s fitness – if so, you can adapt the routines to cater for children in your classes. Likewise, if you are qualified to teach older adults you can use and adapt the Groove-it Fit class formats for your audience.
Are there really no monthly fees?! Are there any ongoing costs?
NO, you're not tied in to any monthly fees to stay an instructor or to receive any new content. Here are the only costs and ongoing costs👇🏻
Your initial payment - £249
-this gives you all your training and a library of class content and choreography and marketing materials AND lifetime Groove-it Fit Instructor status!
New Choreography Editions - Between £7.99-£19.99 per release
- This is additional class choreography that isn't included in your instructor hub which you can purchase as and when you need new content. You get 100+ routines for eah Groove-it Fit format when you become an instructor which will last you quite a while but when you want to add something new you can purchase a new Choreo Edition.
Choreo Monthly - £9.99 per month
- If you really want to pay monthly and get all new choreo editions immediately when they are released then you can sign up to Choreo Monthly. This is optional and can be cancelled anytime. You get access to all choreo editions for the length of your membership
Can you tell me how much it costs per track?
New choreography is not sold per track but per new Edition. A new choreo edition is released each quarter for each class format and will be a playlist of routines, rather than individual tracks.
You will be able to purchase these for anywhere between £7.99-£19.99 depending on the length of the playlist being released.
Or sign up to Choreo Monthly (£9.99 per month} and get access to all new choreography as an when it's released!
Do you have to submit videos for tracks if you haven't taught them before?!
No, you will not be required to send in any videos of you teaching routines and content you haven't taught before.
The only time you will need to send in videos of you teaching is for our quality assurance checks which are random throughout the year.
Do you send out regular marketing materials or do you have to purchase that as it comes out with the choreo?
All marketing materials are included in the main training hubs and any updates will be added there so you will not need to purchase any new or updated marketing materials, they will all be added automatically to the training hubs.
Fit Hiit is a dance inspired Hiit class that focuses on high intensity Groove-it Fit moves alongside full body toning moves to generate maximum calorie burn! It's a great opportunity to master Groove-it Fit moves & benefit from Hight Intensity Interval Training without doing a single burpee!